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Can Pregnancy Massage Therapy Help You Sleep Better? Benefits Explained

Pregnancy massage can relieve many of the discomforts associated with pregnancy, including back pain, aching legs and feet, and even headaches. It helps to relax tense muscles, reduce swelling and keep your lymphatic system working at peak efficiency. And, it reconnects your mind with your body, reawakening the sense that there’s a person inside of you – not just an alien who wants to invade your space!

But, the benefits of massage don’t end there. Studies have shown that massage regulates hormones and decreases both cortisol (a stress hormone) and serotonin levels – thus lowering the overall level of tension in the body. This is great news for expecting mothers because it allows them to sleep better at night.

A common problem during pregnancy is insomnia. This is caused by a variety of factors, from rushing hormones to the constant movement of a growing baby bump. But, the good news is that massage can help you get a better night’s sleep by reducing stress and easing anxiety and depression.

The reason for this is that massage influences the release of serotonin and oxytocin, hormones that can reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and promote relaxation. Additionally, it’s important to note that pregnant women who receive regular massages experience a much lower risk of postpartum depression than those who don’t.

Getting a quality night’s rest is also crucial for optimal health during pregnancy. This is because it allows the mother to be more relaxed and to combat the negative effects of stress on both herself and the unborn child. Studies have shown that stress may actually cause premature births and low-weight babies, so avoiding it is crucial.

As a result, a relaxing massage is the perfect way to kick off a healthy pregnancy. Whether you’re dealing with back pain, leg cramps, or headaches, massage can provide relief and decrease symptoms of depression and stress. And, it can be a wonderful way to bond with your baby, as studies show that maternal happiness and wellbeing are linked to the child’s well-being.

Another benefit of pregnancy massage is that it can help to prevent edema, which is often caused by reduced circulation and the pressure on major blood vessels from the uterus. This is because massage stimulates soft tissues to reduce fluid collection and improve the removal of tissue waste, which is carried by the lymphatic system.

If you’re interested in receiving a pregnancy massage, be sure to find a certified therapist who has extensive experience in massaging pregnant clients. They will have special tables that can accommodate your growing bump, and they’ll use pillows to support you in a comfortable position. They’ll also only use creams or oils that are safe for pregnancy, ensuring the safety of both you and your baby. Plus, they’ll know how to position you so that you don’t lie on your back too long, since this can put pressure on major blood vessels. Finally, it is always best to seek out a qualified and experienced Atlanta prenatal massage practitioner who has extensive training in pregnancy massage. A well trained therapist can help you stay comfortable and healthy throughout your entire pregnancy. For more details visit

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